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General LN2 use in University; cryogenics application; reserach projects; physics deparment; chemistry department; nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); spectroscopy camara's; infrared sensors; vacuum chambers; sroud cooling; Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) systems; biologicial department for samples storage; dispensing system; liquid nitrogen tapping
General LN2 use in University; cryogenics application; reserach projects; physics deparment; chemistry department; nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); spectroscopy camara's; infrared sensors; vacuum chambers; sroud cooling; Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) systems; biologicial department for samples storage; dispensing system; liquid nitrogen tapping
General LN2 use in University; cryogenics application; reserach projects; physics deparment; chemistry department; nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); spectroscopy camara's; infrared sensors; vacuum chambers; sroud cooling; Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) systems; biologicial department for samples storage; dispensing system; liquid nitrogen tapping

General LN2 use in Universities


At universities and research institutes there is a wide range of cryogenic application. Often these are research projects in physics or biology, requiring a dedicated cryogenic cooling system.

However, also a myriad of small users of liquid nitrogen exists at universities, for all kind of applications and devices in which liquid nitrogen is commonly used. Typically the larger users are Faculties like Physics, Chemistry and Biological Science.

Physics and Chemistry Faculties have high-tech measuring instruments that need cooling to be functional: infrared sensors, spectroscopy camera’s, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) systems etc. Liquid nitrogen is also used in vacuum chambers for shroud cooling such as Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) systems.

Biological Faculties require liquid nitrogen for cryopreservation to store samples of cells, tissue, oocytes, semen, plant seeds etc. in cryogenic storage containers over very long time.

It is really important for these applications to always have liquid nitrogen available. In some geographical locations or physical situations (think about a laboratory situated at an elevated floor of a University building) bulk supply cannot  be guaranteed due to logistic challenges.

The solution to avoid these logistic problems is to produce liquid nitrogen on-site, using a StirLIN liquid nitrogen production system. This provides LN2 in-house, made from ambient air and power, guaranteeing sufficient supply at all times.

Such StirLIN can be purchased by a department, but also by the University for general use. In such case it can be equipped with a dispensing system equipped with a pin code terminal. Only dedicated and trained persons in handling LN2 are able to tap liquid nitrogen. Further the quantities taken from the storage vessel will be administrated automatically and can be invoiced to the various departments afterwards.


Liquid nitrogen production systems

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