Head office:Stirling Cryogenics BV
Science Park Eindhoven 5003
5692 EB Son, The Netherlands
Offices in:USA
T +1 610 714 9801
T +49 171 1795 994
T +46 766 111 728
Head office:Stirling Cryogenics BV
Science Park Eindhoven 5003
5692 EB Son, The Netherlands
Offices in:USA
T +1 610 714 9801
T +49 171 1795 994
T +46 766 111 728
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials” is a quote from the Roman philosopher Seneca and so very true in daily operation of whatever business one is dealing. Hans is looking for improvements in any way and with his positive mindset he can make things happen in the right way. Of course, his technical background in mechanics and managerial skills enable the use of the right tools and insights. And as the quote reveals, there is no glamour to reach if there is no friction present.
“Hans joined Stirling Cryogenics in 2019 after a career that started as Mechanical Engineer in engineering reciprocating compressors after graduating as MSc in Mechanical Engineering. During the years the focus has always been at working in research, engineering and management. “It is a very satisfying job knowing that we as a team are able to deliver our various cryogenic cooling solutions to the specific demands of our customers across the world and meanwhile also continue learn from the things we do.”