Head office:Stirling Cryogenics BV
Science Park Eindhoven 5003
5692 EB Son, The Netherlands
Offices in:USA
T +1 610 714 9801
T +49 171 1795 994
T +46 766 111 728
Head office:Stirling Cryogenics BV
Science Park Eindhoven 5003
5692 EB Son, The Netherlands
Offices in:USA
T +1 610 714 9801
T +49 171 1795 994
T +46 766 111 728
A StirLIN-1 Compact for LN2 supply to different departments of the University of Otago, New Zealand, equipped with a usage-monitoring system.
University of Otago in Dunedin New Zealand is a top ranked University for Research. Its department of Anatomy & Structural Biology, part of the School of Medical Science, uses a StirLIN-1 Compact liquid nitrogen system.
The StirLIN-1 Compact, with a capacity of 10 L/hour liquid nitrogen production, is specially equipped with a feature to keep track of liquid Nitrogen consumption for the several departments (users of LN2) within the School of Medical Science.
The liquid nitrogen tapping point is equipped with a pin code terminal. Only dedicated and trained persons in handling LN2 are able to tap liquid nitrogen, the quantities taken from the storage vessel will be administrated by a central computer and can be invoiced to the separate departments afterwards.