Head office:Stirling Cryogenics BV
Science Park Eindhoven 5003
5692 EB Son, The Netherlands
The world’s leading specialist in stand-alone cryogenics cooling systems was originally established in 1954 as part of technology giant Philips. Stirling Cryogenics has been at the forefront of cryogenic technology, delivering reliable and efficient solutions based on the (reversed) Stirling Cycle.
Today, with over 4,000 installations in operation and 6,000 Cryogenerators across the globe, we continue to build on the legacy of innovation and reliability of our one and four cylinder Cryogenerators. Some of these systems and Cryogenerators have been in operation for 60 years and are still maintained by Stirling.
In 2024, we’ve celebrated our 70th anniversary, and looking forward we’re continuing our leadership and innovation in stand-alone cryogenic refrigeration systems, serving various industries worldwide.
With a Stirling Cryogenerator you’ve got your own reliable and efficient cold source. Stirling Cryogenics is committed to making you fully self-supporting. No longer will you be dependent on the bulk supply of liquid gas. No longer will you waste expensive evaporated gases. Stirling Cryogenics can offer the right cooling solution for the job and the global service network to support you.
Stirling Cryogenics developed the Stirling Cycle Cryogenerator more than 70 years ago and it has been the cornerstone of our cooling systems ever since. The Stirling Cryogenerator makes it possible to produce temperatures ranging from 200 K (-73°C) down to 15 K (-258°C). Businesses, industries, hospitals and research centers all over the world rely on our expertise to provide them with a reliable, on site supply of cryogenic cooling power or liquid gas supply. A Stirling Cryogenics cooling system is an indispensable piece of equipment in those situations where constant cryogenic cooling is crucial.
Depending on the application, our cryogenic systems and Cryogenerators will be designed to provide cooling power for the task at hand. Stirling Cryogenerator are executed as (re-)liquefier the production of cryogenic liquids such as nitrogen, oxygen, methane, hydrogen or argon to be stored for further use or transport.
In closed loop cooling systems, the Cryogenerators act as coolers of a cold flow of gas or liquid, which is then pumped through the application to be cooled by our own product range of CryoFans and CryoPumps.